
Depression can take many forms, permeating all aspects of your life as you lose the ability to be present.

Are you:

  • experiencing a loss of interest and/or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed

  • feeling hopeless and/or overwhelmed with negative thoughts

  • feeling helpless, worthless, or guilty

  • suffering from poor appetite, overeating, or significant weight changes

  • sad, feeling down, or have feelings of worthlessness or guilt

  • having difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions

  • experiencing thoughts of death or suicide, or have attempted suicide

  • sleeping too much or too little

  • having a loss of sexual desire

  • experiencing fatigue and/or low energy

  • irritable or dwelling on negative thoughts

  • feeling overwhelmed and/or experiencing mood swings

  • avoiding family or social situations

  • struggling with work and family responsibilities

  • having slow movement or speech

  • frequently crying or having explosive outbursts with others

If you are depressed, you may relate to some or many of the issues above. You don’t have to watch the world go by as you go through daily motions, living a life of sorrow. Sometimes depression is obvious. Other times, you may look and sound put together, but feel the emptiness inside.

No matter how you're experiencing depression in your life, therapy can be your answer. I utilize multiple therapy approaches and specialize in treating depression.

I utilize multiple therapy approaches and specialize in treating depression